Monday, 15 January 2007

A friend indeed...

I've just suddenly got real pissed off at one of my best mates. She's so fickle, I'm getting myself so angry thinking about how she's used me in the past couple of months. She was going out with my best boy mate, and they both went off to the same uni (one her insistance-everyone else thought it was a bad idea) as soon as she got there she started fancying someone on her boyfs course....and she can't ever resist temptation. Lo and behold a month later she split up with my best mate and started spending all her time with the new guy (we'll call him LUB loud ugly boy). Now I can't be a hypocrite because I fell for my ex-boyfriends best mate, and it's a hard situation to be in. It isn't even the problem here.
A month after they'd split up she wanted to come stay wih me....she's one of my best mates so I said Yeeeeeah, come for a week. Which she did. But hey, just by coincidence LUB lives about 20 mins from me!!! So she came, and for the first two nights all she talked about was the 2nd night i was sick of hearing it and telling her jokily to shut up about him...which she didn't. Then LUB came over. And they went out for the day together. And the next day the same happened. Then they went shopping. He had prior arrangements for the weekend, so it was just me and her, but guess what...she wouldn't shut up about LUB. And how gorgeous he is (he isn't btw).
The next night she went out for a drink with LUB and his mates, then they stayed a my house while I stayed at my boyfriends. They had sex in my bed, and went for a walk later. In the week she also went back to his house to meet his mum.
So....I felt ok about it at the time, I was just like "Ah well, they're falling for each other". But last week I texted her something that I expected a reaction from....and....nothing. She didn't text or call, so I myspaced her and it took her a good few days to reply. Seems that she only has time for me when she wants something.

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